Exploring LCD Screen Drivers on Linux for Beginners

LCD is a commonly used peripheral, and semiconductor manufacturers typically provide pre-written LCD interface driver programs for their chips. Developers don’t need to modify the LCD driver section; they only need to adjust the device tree according to the specific LCD device they are using. While no modifications are necessary in the driver, it’s still essential to comprehend the LCD driver process.










1. Framebuffer Device

In the Linux operating system, applications ultimately interact with the video memory of RGB LCD to display characters, images, and other information on the LCD screen. Memory management in Linux is rigorous, and video memory needs to be allocated. Moreover, because of the presence of virtual memory, the video memory set by the driver and the video memory accessed by the application must correspond to the same physical memory. To address this issue, the Framebuffer (referred to as “fb”) was introduced. The Framebuffer represents a memory area that stores a frame of an image. Writing data to this memory is equivalent to writing data to the screen. In essence, the Framebuffer maps each point on the screen to a linear memory space, enabling programs to change the value of this memory segment to alter the color of a specific point on the screen.

static const struct file_operations fb_fops = {
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.read = fb_read,
.write = fb_write,
.unlocked_ioctl = fb_ioctl,
.compat_ioctl = fb_compat_ioctl,
.mmap = fb_mmap,
.open = fb_open,
.release = fb_release,
.get_unmapped_area = get_fb_unmapped_area,
.fsync = fb_deferred_io_fsync,
.llseek = default_llseek,

The Framebuffer mechanism provides a unified interface for user space operations on display devices, abstracting away the differences between underlying hardware components. When the LCD driver is successfully loaded, it generates a device file named /dev/fbX. Applications can access the LCD through this device file. /dev/fbX is a character device, and it has its corresponding file_operations operation set, which is defined in the drivers/video/fbdev/core/fbmem.c file.

struct fb_info {
atomic_t count;
int node;
int flags;
struct mutex lock;
struct mutex mm_lock;
struct fb_var_screeninfo var;
struct fb_fix_screeninfo fix;
struct fb_monspecs monspecs;
struct work_struct queue;
struct fb_pixmap pixmap;
struct fb_pixmap sprite;
struct fb_cmap cmap;
struct list_head modelist;
struct fb_videomode *mode;

struct backlight_device *bl_dev;
struct mutex bl_curve_mutex;
struct fb_ops *fbops;
struct device *device;
struct device *dev;
int class_flag;
char __iomem *screen_base;
unsigned long screen_size;
void *pseudo_palette;

The Linux kernel abstracts all Framebuffers as fb_info structures. The fb_info structure contains the complete attributes and operation sets of the Framebuffer device. As a result, each Framebuffer device is associated with an fb_info. The structure is defined in the include/linux/fb.h file.

2. Analysis of the LCD Driver

For a given chip, the driver code for the eLCDIF controller for LCD screens with different resolutions remains the same. As an example, let’s consider the LCD driver for the NXP IMX6ULL chip in Linux and briefly outline the LCD driver’s process.

  • Opening the Device Tree: Open the imx6ull.dtsi file and locate the content of the lcdif node, which contains configuration details for the LCD interface controller.

lcdif: lcdif@021c8000 {
compatible = “fsl,imx6ul-lcdif”, “fsl,imx28-lcdif”;
reg = <0x021c8000 0x4000>;
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 5 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_LCDIF_PIX>,
clock-names = “pix”, “axi”, “disp_axi”;
status = “disabled”;

  • Device Driver Matching: The compatible property value is used to match the device driver in the Linux source code. The mxsfb.c file contains the platform driver for the MXS Framebuffer.

static const struct of_device_id mxsfb_dt_ids[] = {
{ .compatible = “fsl,imx23-lcdif”, .data = &mxsfb_devtype[0], },
{ .compatible = “fsl,imx28-lcdif”, .data = &mxsfb_devtype[1], },
{ /* sentinel */ }
static struct platform_driver mxsfb_driver = {
.probe = mxsfb_probe,
.remove = mxsfb_remove,
.shutdown = mxsfb_shutdown,
.id_table = mxsfb_devtype,
.driver = {
.name = DRIVER_NAME,
.of_match_table = mxsfb_dt_ids,
.pm = &mxsfb_pm_ops,


  • Probe Function: When the driver matches the device, the mxsfb_probe function is executed. This function initializes the Framebuffer device, allocates resources, maps memory, and sets up the interrupt handler.

static int mxsfb_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) {
const struct of_device_id *of_id = of_match_device(mxsfb_dt_ids, &pdev->dev);
struct resource *res;
struct mxsfb_info *host;
struct fb_info *fb_info;
struct pinctrl *pinctrl;
int irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0);
int gpio, ret;
res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
if (!res) {
dev_err(&pdev->dev, “Cannot get memory IO resource\n”);
return -ENODEV;

host = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(struct mxsfb_info), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!host) {
dev_err(&pdev->dev, “Failed to allocate IO resource\n”);
return -ENOMEM;

fb_info = framebuffer_alloc(sizeof(struct fb_info), &pdev->dev);
if (!fb_info) {
dev_err(&pdev->dev, “Failed to allocate fbdev\n”);
devm_kfree(&pdev->dev, host);
return -ENOMEM;
host->fb_info = fb_info;
fb_info->par = host;

ret = devm_request_irq(&pdev->dev, irq, mxsfb_irq_handler, 0, dev_name(&pdev->dev), host);
if (ret) {
dev_err(&pdev->dev, “request_irq (%d) failed with error %d\n”, irq, ret);
ret = -ENODEV;
goto fb_release;

host->base = devm_ioremap_resource(&pdev->dev, res);
if (IS_ERR(host->base)) {
dev_err(&pdev->dev, “ioremap failed\n”);
ret = PTR_ERR(host->base);
goto fb_release;

fb_info->pseudo_palette = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(u32) * 16, GFP_KERNEL);
if (!fb_info->pseudo_palette) {
ret = -ENOMEM;
goto fb_release;


ret = mxsfb_init_fbinfo(host);
if (ret != 0)
goto fb_pm_runtime_disable;

mxsfb_dispdrv_init(pdev, fb_info);

if (!host->dispdrv) {
pinctrl = devm_pinctrl_get_select_default(&pdev->dev);
if (IS_ERR(pinctrl)) {
ret = PTR_ERR(pinctrl);
goto fb_pm_runtime_disable;

if (!host->enabled) {
writel(0, host->base + LCDC_CTRL);

ret = register_framebuffer(fb_info);
if (ret != 0) {
dev_err(&pdev->dev, “Failed to register framebuffer\n”);
goto fb_destroy;
return ret;

  • Framebuffer Initialization: The Framebuffer device is initialized, and the driver registers it with the Linux kernel.

The primary tasks of the mxsfb_probe function include allocating memory for fb_info, allocating memory for pseudo_palette, initializing the eLCDIF controller, and registering the fb_info with the Linux kernel.

In fact, the use of the Linux system has always been a challenging technical aspect for many LCD module suppliers. Choosing the right LCD module supplier is not easy for those who develop products using the Linux system. RJOYTEK is a technology company that specializes in LCD modules and board development. If you need further technical support, please feel free to contact us!